Bjork or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Media Singularity

Bjork is way smarter than even you think she is, no matter what you think of her music…. or hair.

The Icelandic siren is preparing to release her 7th full-length album (Biophilia, September 2011) and is going to find some brand new ways to do it.  This is coming from the same artist that recorded her award-winning Wanderlust video in stereoscopic 3D and was the first to release a single as a DVD.  After her last album, Volta (2007), she got fascinated with the iPad and decided to get to work writing some songs. Bjork intends to release the touchscreen-written, electronic Biophilia across every media platform she can get her hands on; traditional CD, live shows, a 90-minute documentary, iPhone/iPad apps and tie it all back to her brand new website.

The mobile apps will be the public’s first access to any of the content.  Each song gets its own app, and Bjork plans to release them one at a time.   Each app populates to her website and gives the user the ability to interact with her during the live shows.  On YouTube she has posted video of herself listening, for the first time, to the mastered tracks.

Did I mention Steve Jobs & Apple have been involved in developing the apps?

Video teaser after the jump….

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QR Codes

A while back I saw OFWGKTA (disclaimer: NSFW) on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.   Their performance was… not Top 40?  But the most interesting part of the whole segment was that Jimmy Fallon held up an LP-sized QR code instead of an album cover when introducing the band.  Just Google “Odd Future QR Code” and this image pops up:

You can use your mobile phone to take a picture of the code and guess where it takes you?

I got curious about QR Codes and then my Brazilian friend told me about Editoras (the Brazilian Amazon) and their QR Code marketing campaign:

The book’s website is here: AmoreOdio

Make your own QR Codes here: Generator

Apps for your phone: iPhone  Android

PS – if you post a QR Code in the comments section (linking your twitter account), I’ll follow you right away & RT you.